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The functions of the financeManager

Group of people on mountain peak


Our comprehensive CRM function gives you all the tools you need to effectively manage your customers, optimize customer interactions and strengthen your sales activities.

Customer data

Customer master data
  • Personal and company data
  • Address, contact and tax data
  • Account management
  • Legitimation data
  • Sales allocation
  • Customer, role and authorization profile
Data consolidation
  1. Flexible consolidation across individuals, portfolios and assets
  2. Family structures, trust structures
  3. Visual relationship diagram
Customer KYC
  • Natural or legal persons
  • Recording of all customer assets and origin of funds
  • Risk profiling for investor protection
  • Initial KYC and change process for KYC data
  • Configuration options at sales and client level
  • Customer segmentation
  • Digital questionnaires
  • Ongoing risk and sustainability assessment
  • Guard rail system: Ongoing review of investor protection
  • Monitoring with user-defined trigger rules
  • Configurable authorizations (holders, authorized representatives, signatory authorizations, information authorizations, legal representatives, trustees...)
  • User-oriented questionnaire creation
  • Targeted financial planning

Communication and documentation

  • Publication of eDocs and messages in the customer chat
  • Display and download eDocs
  • Filing and organization by document type
  • eSignature
  • Submission of signed eDocs
  • Connection to the bank's own document archive (DMS, FCMS system)
Secure messaging
  • Online mailbox incl. signature folder and digital signature
  • Online chat
  • Automatic message encryption
  • Set acknowledge-by-read flag
  • Notifications by e-mail and SMS
Content subscription
  • Connection to external content
  • Setting multiple channel feeds
  • Subscribe to individual channels
  • Set notifications for new content
  • House opinion: generation and dispatch of portfolio-specific market reports via AI
Discussion documentation
  • Archiving and allocation of call files
Group of people climbs a mountain


With the integrated onboarding process in financeManager, you shorten the time from the first customer interaction to the processing of the advisory order and enable the complete processing of the advisory order in the first appointment. We offer an intuitive and user-friendly interface to enable fast and complete account and custody account opening during the advisory process.
Customer onboarding
  • Online onboarding by the customer incl. legitimation
  • Option of direct data entry
  • Workflow-based input
  • Creation of forms
  • Storage of forms
  • Download the onboarding documents
  • Initial customer KYC
  • Approval and release processes
  • Automated customer, account and custody account investment
  • Processing the consulting/advisory assignment in the onboarding workflow
  • Processing the Robo-Adivce order in the onboarding workflow
  • Recording of third-party assets in the onboarding workflow
Young man uses smartphone

Customer Engagement

The comprehensive customer engagement options create the conditions to inspire your customers with simple processes in online trading and banking and enable smooth collaboration.
Portfolio analysis
  • Asset overview for accounts and custody accounts
  • Portfolio report incl. corporate actions
  • Asset allocation (currencies, regions, sectors, asset classes)
  • Presentation of calculated assets (drill-through)
  • Selectable consolidation levels
  • Cash flow projection & transaction
  • Extract relevant data in Excel and PDF
  • ESG and sustainability preferences
  • Expected return
  • Risk indicators and assessment
  • Portfolio optimization (Markowitz)
  • Stress test analysis
  • Attribution/Contribution
  • Ex-post cost statement
Portfolio performance
  • Historical performance (TWR, MWR, IRR)
  • Profit/loss per position
  • Realized/unrealized price gains/losses
  • Realized/unrealized income (accrued interest, etc.)
  • Before/after tax
  • Before/after fees
  • Input mask for orders
  • Order from item list
  • Order workflow
  • Risk profiling for investor protection
  • Guidelines for investments
  • Trading of all asset classes incl. derivatives business and crypto
  • Trading via all electronic and over-the-counter trading venues
  • Creation of savings and reduction plans
  • Trade in all currencies
  • Order supplements (limits, validity, etc.)
  • Real-time trading prices
  • Test routines (e.g. target market, tradability, etc.)
  • Review and documentation of appropriateness
  • Ex-Ante report/receipt
  • Approval process (4-eyes principle)
  • Pouvoir Management
  • Signature folder for the collective processing of orders
  • Display of order book (order status)
  • Cash block for order (reservation)
  • Automatic storage and processing of billing data
  • Custodian bank connection
  • Target and reference account
  • Payment methods: bank transfer, standing order, direct debit
  • Tracking the payment status
  • Definable payment rules
  • PSD2-compliant API
Front view of a car

Asset management

Asset management

In asset management, we offer comprehensive analyses of portfolios and performances. financeManager offers optimized management of model portfolios, robo-advice and integrated automated order routing.
Portfolio analysis
  • Asset overview for accounts and custody accounts
  • Portfolio report incl. corporate actions
  • Asset allocation (currencies, regions, sectors, asset classes)
  • Presentation of calculated assets (drill-through)
  • Selectable consolidation levels
  • Cash flow projection & transaction
  • Extract relevant data in Excel and PDF
  • ESG and sustainability preferences
  • Expected return
  • Risk indicators and assessment
  • Portfolio optimization (Markowitz)
  • Stress test analysis
  • Attribution/Contribution
  • Ex-post cost statement
Portfolio performance
  • Historical performance (TWR, MWR, IRR)
  • Profit/loss per position
  • Realized/unrealized price gains/losses
  • Realized/unrealized income (accrued interest, etc.)
  • Before/after tax
  • Before/after fees
Definition of the model portfolios
  • Definition of model portfolios
  • Definition of portfolio criteria (risk, minimum investment, etc.)
  • Portfolio versioning and history
  • Automatic distribution monitoring
  • Product description and documentation
  • Management of the model portfolios by an external sales agent (outsourcing)
  • Stringent onboarding workflow
  • Stringent resolution workflow
Operational asset management
  • Initial investment and portfolio configuration
  • Product management incl. house opinion
  • Automated monitoring of central and individual portfolio key figures
  • Automated billing of fees
  • Automated portfolio rebalancing
  • Automated order routing
  • Cross-departmental workflows
Reporting and documentation
  • Measures taken by the administrators
  • Management fees (all-in, performance, high watermark, individual)
  • Export for external accounting systems
  • Purchase and sale of securities
  • Income postings, expenses, fees, taxes
  • Loss threshold reporting
  • Recurring reporting (monthly, quarterly, semi-annually, annually)
Management types
  • Fund-based management
  • Discretionary management
  • Robo-Advice
  • Definition of exclusion criteria
  • Definition of individual monitoring criteria
Order execution
  • Connection to order management
Consulting situation

Investment advisory

For professional advice, financeManager offers extensive reporting and analysis functions, flexible and automated MiFID II advisory workflows, portfolio simulations, robo-advice and automated order routing.
Portfolio analysis
  • Asset overview for accounts and custody accounts
  • Portfolio report incl. corporate actions
  • Asset allocation (currencies, regions, sectors, asset classes)
  • Presentation of calculated assets (drill-through)
  • Selectable consolidation levels
  • Cash flow projection & transaction
  • Extract relevant data in Excel and PDF
  • ESG and sustainability preferences
  • Expected return
  • Risk indicators and assessment
  • Portfolio optimization (Markowitz)
  • Stress test analysis
  • Attribution/Contribution
  • Ex-post cost statement
Portfolio performance
  • Historical performance (TWR, MWR, IRR)
  • Profit/loss per position
  • Realized/unrealized price gains/losses
  • Realized/unrealized income (accrued interest, etc.)
  • Before/after tax
  • Before/after fees
  • Individual advisory process (personal, hybrid, digital)
  • Approval workflows
  • Pouvoir regulation
  • Robo-Advice
Advice according to sample portfolio
  • Definition of model portfolios
  • Investment proposal based on sample portfolios
  • Portfolio comparisons
  • Rebalancing based on model portfolios
  • Automatic monitoring and comparison with model portfolios
  • Creation of orders
  • Creation of alternative proposals from the simulation
  • Flexible modular logic with model portfolios (core and satellite investment)
  • Provision of sample portfolio documents and information
Initial installation
  • Lifecycle planning and milestones
  • Investment objectives and financial background
  • Analysis of third-party bank deposits
  • 360-degree advice: Recording of all assets including alternative asset classes (e.g. real estate)
  • Individual portfolio or sample portfolio
  • Type of business: Advisory, advisory-free business, asset management
  • Selection of the investment universe
  • Variable product catalogs
  • Consideration of in-house opinions
  • Direct generation of the order list
Portfolio optimization
  • Automatic monitoring of the portfolio guard rails
  • Intelligent rebalancing (rolling risk contribution, efficiency frontier)
  • Portfolio simulation from optimization proposal (before/after)
  • Definition of individual parameters for optimization
  • Direct generation of the order list
Portfolio simulation
  • Portfolio of model starting points
  • Simulation of the effects of changes (before/after)
  • Automatic calculation of expected return and key risk figures
Evaluation of scenarios
  • Evaluate portfolios based on scenarios
  • Predefined scenarios
  • Construction of scenarios
  • Backtesting of the portfolio
  • Monte Carlo simulation program
MiFID II documentation
  • Risk profiling for investor protection
  • Knowledge and experience
  • Guidelines for investments
  • Target market of the product
  • Checking the suitability and appropriateness of the product
MiFID II documents
  • Legally relevant forms
  • Reports on investment proposals
  • Minutes of the advisory meeting
  • Ex-ante cost statement
  • Ex-post cost statement
  • Presentation of suitability and appropriateness
  • Product documentation
  • Automatic document creation
  • Automatic archiving of documents
  • Delivery as eDocuments
Order execution
  • Connection to order management
Fingers typing on laptop keyboard


With our automated risk management and compliance with all relevant standards and certifications, we help you to maintain control of your compliance processes, minimize risks and ensure the security of your IT infrastructure.
Contact logs and call reports
  • Verifiable customer interactions
Testing of restrictions
  • Verification of compliance in the run-up to trading
  • Default settings for MiFID II
  • Customer-specific restrictions
  • Soft, medium, hard specifications
  • Mass change due to central specifications
MiFID II documentation
  • Risk profiling for investor protection
  • Financial situation and investment targets
  • Knowledge and experience, risk profile
  • Guidelines for investments
  • Target market definition at product level
  • Feasibility check before trading (pre-order check)
  • Suitability and appropriateness process
  • Automatic creation of transaction reports
  • Residence-specific client and mandate classification
  • Consolidated order documentation (customer profiling, suitability, appropriateness, ex-ante, order confirmation, ESG)
  • Recurring reporting (monthly, quarterly, semi-annually, annually)
MiFID II documents
  • Legally relevant forms
  • Reports on investment proposals
  • Minutes of the advisory meeting
  • Ex-ante cost statement
  • Ex-post cost statement
  • Presentation of suitability and appropriateness
  • Product documentation
  • PRIIPs, BIBs
  • Automatic document creation
  • Automatic archiving of documents
  • Management of customer consent
  • Purpose of the data and authorization
  • Automatic validation of data legitimacy
  • Full reporting on the right to be forgotten
  • Manual and automatic data cleansing
  • Requirements of the Securities Act WpHG, WAG
  • ICS and auditing in accordance with the applicable EBA guidelines
  • FMA compliant
  • BaFIN incl. FAQs approved
  • Auditing according to ISO 27001
  • ICS according to ISAE 3402
  • Auditing in accordance with IDW PS 951 Type 2
 Lady uses tablet

Visualization and reporting

Our comprehensive visualization and reporting solution gives you all the tools you need to understand, analyse and use your data profitably. The customizable dashboards for customers, employees and management can be adapted to the company CI.
Reports and design
  • Data export to Excel and PDF
  • Customizable CI
  • White labeling possible
Customer reports
  • Reports at portfolio level
  • Consolidated reports for clients and selected portfolios
  • High-quality, professional design
  • Configurable report structure
Business analytics
  • Query-based data analysis
  • Excel export
  • Role-based dashboards for management, advisors, asset managers and clients
  • Configurable dashboards at user level
Statistics dashboard
  • Client Assets and Liabilities
  • Net New Money
  • Inventory volume by category
  • Ranking for advisors
  • Inflows and outflows
  • Portfolio risks
  • Portfolio performance
  • Order cancellations
  • Comparison dashboard of selectable portfolios and sample portfolios
  • Asset management statistics
Portfolio dashboard
  • Portfolio performance
  • Portfolio optimization
  • Asset development
  • Risk aspects
  • Asset classes
  • Securities
  • Currencies
  • Regions
  • Industries
  • Expected return
  • Transactions
  • Portfolio key figures
  • Portfolio analysis
  • ESG key figures
  • Stress test
  • Account postings
Gentleman shopping


Order management

With integrated order management, you retain full control over your trading activities and process orders quickly, efficiently and securely. We offer extensive trading functions for all asset classes, various currencies and stock exchanges.
Entering orders
  • Input mask for orders
  • Order from item list
  • Order type: Client request, Advisor proposal, Asset management
  • Order workflow
  • Trading of all asset classes incl. derivatives business and crypto
  • Creation of savings and reduction plans
  • Trading via all stock exchange and over-the-counter trading venues
  • Trading in different currencies
  • Order supplements (limits, validity, etc.)
  • Real-time trading prices
  • Collective order
  • Block order
  • Various delivery methods for order documents (e.g. in person, e-mail, signature folder, digital signature, etc.)
  • Order book display (order status)
  • Cash block for order (reservation)
  • Automatic storage and processing of billing data
Testing of restrictions
  • Verification of compliance in the run-up to trading
  • Default settings for MiFID II
  • Customer-specific restrictions
  • Soft, medium, hard specifications
  • Examination of risk profiling for investor protection
  • Examination of guidelines for investments
  • Test routines (e.g. target market, tradability, etc.)
  • Review and documentation of appropriateness and suitability
  • Ex-Ante report
  • Approval process (4-eyes principle)
  • Power management
  • Open API: Universally connectable
  • SWIFT and FIX standards can be connected
  • Order roundtrip incl. execution
  • Excel-based order import and export
  • Direct connection to custodian bank
Shaking hands

Commission management

Commission management

Efficient commission management is the key to motivating and managing your sales staff. With our solution, you can automate and optimize all processes relating to the calculation, payment and monitoring of commissions.
Billing external sales
  • Management of external sales
  • Individual commission fees
  • Ex-Ante incl. external sales
  • Commission accounting and payment of third-party sales
  • Commission reporting
  • Approval and release process
Cable connections

Technology and administration

Easily integrate our solution into your existing systems and workflows via open interfaces (Open API). Define individual user roles and assign authorizations for various functions and still manage your systems and applications easily and conveniently via an intuitive interface.
  • Open API
  • .csv imports and exports
  • Organization management
  • Role and authorization concepts
  • Central master data management
  • Administration and configuration of rules and central specifications
  • Mass changes due to central specifications
  • Application monitoring
  • Interface monitoring
  • Multi-device
  • Client capability
  • Multilingualism
IT architecture
  • Kubernetes
  • Docker
  • Java